Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Be Cautious How You Explain Things to a Toddler!

A few days ago we went to a new (at least to us) local Mexican restaurant. Hubby for some reason felt the need to explain the ethnicity of the people who would be working there.  Before really thinking about it, Hubby said, "they are like Dora."  I immediately gave him the "evil-eye!"  He gave me "the smirk", acknowledging that it was probably not the best thing to say. The girls started shouting "I wanna see Dora, I wanna see Dora!"  I came so close to suggesting going to another restaurant, but my stomach was demanding Mexican food!  Upon entering, both of them looked at me with a very anxious expression and asked "Mommy, where's Dora, where's Boot?"  I could have crawled under a booth!  I sure hope the host didn't hear that, but I'm sure he did.  I was too embarrassed to even look at his face to see what type of expression he had.  Periodically throughout dinner they would blurt out "Where's Dora, Where's Boots?" but I just ignored it and continued to enjoy my dinner!

Honestly I am not sure why this embarrassed me as it did, because I am not easily embarrassed or offended.  It sure proves that kids do say the darnedest things at the most inopportune times. And, I'm certain this is just the beginning of moments like these!

This "funny" did get my mind rolling though.  There sure are A LOT of topics that I am going to have to explain to the girls as they get older.  I don't think I'm quite ready for all this....where in the heck is the pause button?


  1. That's hilarious! I'm guessing yours are not the first kids disappointed to not see Dora and Diego, though! Hahaha!!!

  2. I just want a pause button until I can come up with an appropriate answer...apparently "because it's just that way" isn't cutting it anymore.
